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Recruitment Trends to Expect in 2024

The recruitment trends have seen a drastic change in 2023 with many challenges such as mass layoffs, economic recession, rise of AI in recruitment and global shortage of labour which led to a shift in talent priorities amongst businesses. While these trends continue to be in place, yet we can expect some new changes in the year 2024.

This article will deal into the recruitment trends to expect in 2024 and how organizations can prepare themselves for these trends so that it can be beneficial for them and they can make the best out of it. 

Let us look at five major recruitment trends that we can expect in 2024

Rise of Remote Work: While the COVID19 pandemic triggered the beginning of remote work, yet even after 3 years, it has become the most preferred choice of work model amongst employers and employees. It is expected that even in 2024, we would be seeing a rise in global remote jobs and global companies hiring remotely.
Along with this remote hiring for remote positions is here to stay. Companies have realized the benefits of hiring remotely in terms of cost cutting, and access to global talent pool to meet their vacancies and hence, many businesses can be seen to go completely remote when it comes to hiring.

Similarly, flexible work schedules/ work from anywhere policies are seen to be amongst the topmost priority for jobseekers while looking out for opportunities due to several advantages like reduced expenses (rent/commutation), work life balance and flexibility. 

Positive and Proactive candidate experience: Providing a positive candidate experience has become a very important factor for all the businesses in building their brand and finding talented individuals to fill out their requirements. It is seen that jobseekers would prefer employers who keep them warm during the entire evaluation process, provide timely feedback and also follow up at each and every step. It is seen that candidates are most likely to accept offers with businesses who provide them with a positive candidate experience.
Similarly, proactively engaging with departing employees is also important to understand if they faced any issue during their tenure so that businesses can correct those for the betterment of all. Otherwise, with the rise of social media, its seen that candidates share their bad experience openly on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and others, which is detrimental to businesses. 

Therefore, providing a good candidate experience should be a priority for all. 

Inclusivity and diversity hiring: With the rise in global remote jobs and world talent hiring, it is extremely important for companies to pay attention to inclusivity and diversity hiring. Also, it is seen that candidates are inclined towards inclusivity and diversity in their workplaces in the recent times and it is only going to rise soon. According to research by Eagle Hill Consulting, fifty-three percent of U.S. workers say diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is a key factor when considering a company for employment. Diverse businesses tend to stay competitive in fields, especially like Tech and also diverse workplaces tend to be more creative and innovative which can lead to higher profitability. Thus, prioritizing inclusivity and diversity hiring should be a top most goal for businesses as it will also help to attract the top talent from all over the globe and also retain the same.

Employer branding: Employer branding will be an important factor in the coming year for businesses to put across their right image to attract and retain the top talent in such a competitive market. Businesses need to make wide use of Artificial Intelligence and social media platforms to enhance and build their employer branding. Also, they need to be very transparent about their goals, provide personalized experience to individual employees and position itself as a company who is extremely sensitive to employee’s growth and well being

GenZ entering the workforce and shift in recruitment strategies to meet their needs: Businesses need to evolve and transform their recruitment strategies to meet the demands of the new generation i.e. GenZ workforce. This new generation will not be interested in outdated recruitment strategies and prefers remote work, flexibility, priority to mental and physical wellbeing, good work-life balance while looking out for job opportunities and thus, taking these factors into consideration while framing recruitment strategies will be extremely important to businesses.

In conclusion, we can say that businesses need to evaluate and optimize their hiring strategies by taking into consideration the above-mentioned recruitment trends as it will help to get the right hire and also retain the same. By focusing on proactive engagement, positive candidate experience, flexible workplaces, Diversity and Inclusivity and employer branding, companies need to work hard to stay relevant in such a competitive world and take measures to hire the top talent.


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